Stam Audio Unveils 'SA-432', a Replica of Legendary Sontec MES-432 Mastering EQ

[Monthly Mixing] Stam Audio has announced the 'SA-432', a replica of the legendary mastering stereo EQ, the 'Sontec MES-432'.

The Sontec MES-432 was one of the first fully parametric stereo studio equalizers produced in the mid-1970s. With its precise stepped switches, accuracy, and highly musical op-amps, the MES-432 was used on virtually every successful record in the 80s and 90s and remains a favorite among mastering engineers worldwide to this day.

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Photo=Stam Audio

At the heart of the SA-432 are six HS2030 and six HS6000 discrete op-amps. Stam Audio claims to have successfully reverse-engineered these amplifiers after two years of meticulous measurements and listening tests, making them fully compatible with the originals. They've particularly improved on the original's weaknesses, ensuring better heat dissipation, stability, and longevity.

The circuit has been designed with respect to the original, with the Q value being 100% identical. Fully stepped switches have been implemented for accurate stereo matching and easy recall.

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Photo=Stam Audio

The SA-432 features a UK-made toroidal transformer and state-of-the-art power supply, ensuring completely silent operation.

The SA-432 is priced at $3,490, with a pre-order price of $2,990. The first 100 reservations are offered a special price of $2,690. An optional Mid-Side matrix is available for an additional $500.

For more information, visit the Stam Audio website.